The Perodua Suppliers Association (P2SA) and the Perodua Dealers’ Association (PDA) have reported significant growth and resilience in their respective operations, driven by Perodua’s record-breaking performance in 2024.

According to P2SA President Musa Zahidin Tan Sri Ahmad Zaidee, Perodua has purchased automotive components worth tens of billions of Ringgit Malaysia over the past few years, marking the highest expenditure in the company’s history.

“These purchases have empowered P2SA members to reinvest and expand their operations, improving economies of scale and enhancing competitiveness despite rising costs caused by external factors,” Musa stated.

Perodua’s remarkable production of 368,100 units in 2024 was supported by the close collaboration between the company and P2SA. Musa credited Perodua’s transparent communication and support systems, including timely payments and clear directives, for enabling suppliers to meet the unprecedented production volume.

P2SA members have also embraced technological advancements to boost efficiency. For instance, Ingress AOI Technologies Sdn Bhd introduced an Automated Storage and Retrieval System, which improved space efficiency by 71%. Other members are exploring Industry 4.0 technologies, including IoT integration, to enhance their operations and remain competitive within the ASEAN region and beyond.

Meanwhile, PDA President Cik Rabitah Dato’ Shamshudin highlighted the association’s role in registering the majority of the 358,102 Perodua vehicles sold in 2024.

“The logistics and coordination efforts on Perodua’s part were truly impressive,” Rabitah said, acknowledging the leadership of Dato’ Sri Zainal Abidin Ahmad, Perodua’s President and CEO, for steering the company and its partners toward success.

Rabitah emphasized Perodua’s ongoing support for dealers, particularly in adopting mono-operations and upgrading to 3S (Sales, Service, and Spare Parts) facilities, which have enhanced customer experiences. She also praised the company’s efforts to involve the next generation of dealers, ensuring the sustainability of the partnership.

“Perodua has been a fair and reliable partner for over 30 years. Moving forward, PDA members are committed to delivering exceptional customer experiences and supporting Perodua’s position as Malaysia’s most popular automotive brand,” Rabitah concluded.