This Hari Raya Aidilfitri, Carro reflects on the significance of every ‘balik kampung’ journey, emphasizing that the journey itself holds as much importance as the destination. In their latest festive film, Carro delves into the profound connections and cherished memories shared with loved ones during these journeys.

Marking Carro Malaysia’s inaugural Raya film since its rebranding from myTukar in March, the film aptly titled ‘Who is Siti?’ unfolds a heartwarming narrative of a family caught in a traffic snarl during their ‘balik kampung.’ Amidst the gridlock, Grandma’s insistence on pursuing an orange car ignites a spirited chase. Is she seeking festive thrill, or has she spotted a long-lost family member?

Available for viewing on Carro Malaysia’s YouTube channel and also released in Singapore and Indonesia, the film embodies the essence of familial bonds and the joy of reuniting during festive seasons.

In the spirit of celebration, Carro offers exciting rewards for customers in Malaysia purchasing a Carro Certified vehicle from 17th April onwards. Expect substantial discounts, vouchers, and enticing lucky draw prizes, including up to RM8,000 off selected Carro Certified cars.

The first 800 customers booking a vehicle will receive a 30% discount voucher for Carro Care’s Body & Paint services, a 10% discount voucher for Carro Care maintenance services, and a 10% discount voucher for insurance renewals. Additionally, customers stand a chance to win attractive lucky draw prizes, including RM5,000 cashback, a Philips 43” Android TV worth RM1,800, Habib vouchers worth RM1,000, and petrol vouchers.

For more information about the promotions, visit