Proton recently reached a significant milestone in its endeavour to manufacture vehicles of exceptional quality. The Proton Test Centre, an array of in-house testing facilities situated in Shah Alam, has successfully obtained the ISO/IEC 17025:2017 accreditation from Jabatan Standard Malaysia, a subsidiary of the Ministry of Investment, Trade, and Industry (MITI) overseeing standards compliance.

The Director General of the Department of Standards Malaysia, Shaharul Sadri Alwi, had the honour of presenting Proton with the certificate of accreditation, a moment of recognition that was embraced by Hazrin Fazail Haroon, the Director of Group Engineering at Proton.

The ISO/IEC 17025:2017 standard stands as a benchmark for gauging the competence of testing and calibration laboratories. This pivotal framework empowers testing and calibration laboratories to develop meticulous quality management systems while subjecting their proficiency to comprehensive evaluations. The certification process involves rigorous assessment of testing outcomes over a defined period. It is also underscored by precise documentation prerequisites, including the formulation of a comprehensive quality manual, standard operating procedures, and instructional protocols.

Beyond being a globally recognized standard, the ISO 17025 accreditation bears testament to the reliability, integrity, and competence upheld by the Proton Test Centre. The ripple effects extend to fulfilling testing requisites for vehicles co-engineered with Geely, Proton’s strategic partner. Furthermore, this achievement paves the way for potential testing engagements involving other Geely models.

The triumphant reception of accreditation speaks volumes about the relentless dedication exhibited by Proton’s engineering and testing units. This triumph has harmonized their technical prowess with that of their collaborative partner, Geely. The tangible benefits encompass a reduction in product development costs, stemming from the elimination of the need to dispatch parts abroad for testing. Additionally, it facilitates more streamlined timeline management.

In the words of Hazrin Fazail Haroon, “The accreditation conferred upon the Proton Test Centre stands as a testament to the arduous efforts invested by Proton’s engineering and testing teams. It signifies our alignment with Geely’s technical standards and underscores our commitment to consistently deliver precise and valid test outcomes and calibrations. Ultimately, our patrons stand to gain from the improved quality of Proton vehicles that this achievement will engender.”